
Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal

We would like to offer our sincere sympathy to the people living in the regions hit by the Nepal earthquake. Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan Universisty will give academic supports in cooperation with the local people and relevant international organizations to achieve a speedy restoration of the areas.

2015. April
Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage,
Ritsumeikan Universisty


The Memory of 2015 Nepal Earthquake: Experience of Local Residents Utilizing Traditional Resources in UNESCO World Heritage Site

Relevant Articles Published in the Journal of Disaster Mitigation for Historical Cities

Journal of Disaster Mitigation for Historical Cities Vol.3 (June, 2009)

Journal of Disaster Mitigation for Historical Cities Vol.4 (July, 2010)

Journal of Disaster Mitigation for Historical Cities Vol.5 (July, 2011)

Journal of Disaster Mitigation for Historical Cities Vol.6 (July, 2012)

Journal of Disaster Mitigation for Historical Cities Vol.7 (July, 2013)

Journal of Disaster Mitigation for Historical Cities Vol.8 (July, 2014)

Final Report of the Kathmandu Research Project

Disaster Risk Management for the Historic City of Patan, Nepal (March, 2012)

Relevant Websites of the Nepal earthquake

Relevant Websites of the World heritage in Kathmandu