Section B > Module 1 > Background of the Field, Approaches and Principles

1.1 Cultural Heritage in the Urban Environment


Introduction to cultural heritage and its significance
  • Overview of what constitutes cultural heritage and its associated values.
  • The role of cultural heritage plays within the urban environment.
Approaches related to cultural heritage
  • Examining the changing scope of heritage from monuments to settlements, cultural landscapes, movable objects and intangible traditions and skills.
  • Focus on the living dimensions of heritage that seeks to pursue continuity and evolution rather than mere preservation.
  • The increasing significance of disaster risk management of cultural heritage.
Approaches relating to the urban environment
  • Specific innovations in methods for urban planning, design and management.
  • Examples of how each innovation can assist in the development of disaster risk management plans for urban cultural heritage.

Teaching Strategies

Core Lectures

Lectures comprised of secondary case examples, rapid fire slide shows and discussions drawing upon participant experiences may be used to explain the changing scope of heritage especially in an urban context using relevant examples. Key concepts may be supported by personal anecdotes. Some concepts could also be illustrated on a white board or flip chart. Examples which would help the participants relate the theoretical content to actual events or sites should be highlighted. The instructor should facilitate discussion among participants on their understanding of cultural heritage and the challenges of conservation and management.

Sample Lecture 1

What is Cultural Heritage?'
An excerpt from Significance of Disaster Risk Management and Core Principles
Lecture 3, International Training Course, 2012
Instructor: Rohit Jigyasu

Sample Lecture 2

Disaster Mitigation and Integrated Planning of Historic Cities
Lecture 5, International Training Course 2011
Instructor: Sebastian Moffat