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Relevant Charters And Recommendations

Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, UNESCO, 1972.

Final Recommendations of the International Course on Preventive Measures for the Protection of Cultural Property in Earthquake Prone Regions, Skopje, Yugoslavia, 1985. (Stovel, ICCROM, 1998)

Conclusions and Recommendations of the International Workshop on Structural and Functional Rehabilitation of Housing in Historic Buildings in Seismic Regions, Mexico City, 1986.(Stovel, ICCROM, 1998)

Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers, Recommendation No. R(93)9 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on the Protection of the Architectural Heritage against Natural Disasters, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 23 November 1993 at the 503rd Meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies. (ICOMOS Heritage at Risk, H@R, 2008)

Declaration of Quebec, Ist National Summit on Heritage and Risk Preparednes s, Quebec City, Canada, 1996. (Stovel, ICCROM, 1998)

The Kobe/Tokyo Declaration on Risk Preparedness for Cultural Heritage, Kobe/Tokyo International Symposium on Risk Preparedness for Cultural Properties, 1997.

Radenci Declaration, Blue Shield Seminar on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Emergencies and xceptional Situations, Radenci, Slovenia, 12–16 November 1998.

Declaration of Assisi by ICOMOS Scientific Committee for the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage, 1998. (Stovel, ICCROM, 1998)

Torino Declaration. Resolutions of the First Blue Shield International Meeting, Torino, Italy, 2004.

Kyoto Declaration 2005 on the Protection of Cultural Properties, Historic Areas and their Settings from Loss in Disasters (adopted at the Kyoto International Symposium 2005 ‘T owards the Protection of Cultural Properties and Historic Urban Areas from Disaster’ held at Kyoto Kaikan on 16 January 2005);

Recommendations of the UNESCO/ICCROM/Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan – Thematic Meeting on Cultural Heritage Risk Management, World Conference on Disaster Reduction, Kobe, 2005.

UNESCO / WHC. 2006. Strategy Document for Reducing Risks from Disasters at World Heritage Properties. World Heritage Committee, 30th Session, Vilnius, Lithuania, 8–16 July 2006.

Declaration on the Impact of Climate Change on Cultural Heritage, International Workshop on Impact of Climate

Change on Cultural Heritage, New Delhi (India), 22 May 2007. (ICOMOS News, June 2008)

Compiled list sourced from: UNESCO, (2010). Managing Disaster Risks for World Heritage. Paris: UNESCO.